RM   >   FOCUS

Tailored training. Goals orientated.

When you need a targeted approach to your running





RM Focus


Private Coaching – One to One or Small Groups


If preferred, run coaching or run specific strength and conditioning sessions can be delivered one to one or in small private groups with friends or work colleagues.

One to one or small private group coaching can be perfect:

  • If you are just starting out and looking to build running confidence
  • If you are seeking a little more support whilst working towards a specific or goal
  • If you would like to train exclusively with a small group friends and work colleagues
  • If you would like to work with our head coach and qualified exercise physiologist on running specific strength and conditioning to minimise the risk of injury history



How Do I Join & Get Started?

  1. Get in touch with us via the 'Get Started' button and let us know which Running Mate service(s) you are interested in
  2. We’ll contact you and request that you complete our pre-participation to provide us with valuable information about YOU (e.g. details of your running background (if any), your health and injury history, your life schedule and your running goals etc.).
  3. Organise payment of your fees and then schedule your first session.



Take the first step

We'll just send you some info to start with ;)




  • We arrange an initial meet and greet / consultation (face to face or via Skype) in order to clarify your specific needs and goals, determine session frequency, session location(s) etc.

  • Each session is designed and delivered by an experienced runner who is also an Athletics Australia accredited running coach and degree qualified exercise physiologist

  • Personalised coach attention and feedback during each session



One to One or Small Groups
Please contact us to discuss your needs and pricing options.



Bank: CommBank

Acc. Name: Running Mate

BSB: 062 - 692

Acc. No.: 7809 6467

Ref: SurnameRunGroup  e.g. Smithrungroup


  Still got questions? Just Contact Us here and we'll help you out!